Build your RELATIONSHIP with
customers by sharing your HISTORY

My Biz Book is a way for you to communicate your history, leadership, and the benefits your products and services provide to society. Our Core Business segment gives small to mid-size businesses the opportunity to build an emotional relationship with their existing customers, as well as incite new relationships to help with growth, marketing, and prosperity.
We want to help you reach the next level.
My Biz Book will be limited, but not exclusive, to a total number of 8,000 t0 8,500 words.
A list of questions will be available to you to use in the creation of your company book.
You can utilize recording programs on your mobile device, tablet, or computer to record content that will be included in your book (i.e. Voice Memo for Mac and Apple users, Voice Recorder for Windows and Android users).
The Core Media Group's network of writers, editors, readers, graphic designers, and content developers will be mobilized to create a model Biz Book for your company.
A sample Biz Book will be transferred back to you to fact check contents, organization, design, graphics, etc.
Your Biz Book will be printed and distributed to your business by The Core Media Group.