"No legacy is as rich as honesty."
~William Shakespeare
"When the story of earth is told, all that will be remembered is the truth we exchanged."
~Donald Miller
You have a story that is worth sharing, a story that the world needs to hear. Maybe it has some messy chapters. Maybe it's dark in spots. Maybe it involves failure. No matter the conflict or plot twist, others can learn from what you have been through. Your story is delicate. Precious. Beautiful. It is a reflection of the deepest part of your soul and your spirit, the CORE.
We live in a world of facades -- public relations schemes, social media highlights, and dressing in our Sunday bests -- but by sharing your true self and an honest story with others, you have an opportunity to impact readers at their CORE. The deeper you venture within, the deeper your message will go. It can be scary to share your story, but that's why we are here: to help, counsel, create, and multiply your message. However, it begins with you.
Will you choose to exchange truth in this life or hide behind a facade? The world is waiting.