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If we’re honest with ourselves, we all have something in our lives that we want to change. Unfortunately, very few embark on that transformational journey, and those who do struggle to “keep the change.” How do we make change stick? Bart Nollenberger’s relentless chase for attention and affection brought him to the dead-end of addiction. In Keep the Change, Nollenberger—a public speaker and leadership coach—compellingly shows how each of us can benefit from the steps of recovery. In transparently sharing his own story, Nollenberger bridges “the steps” with leadership principles that will guide readers inward into the realm of self-knowledge, then outward to impact the world. Readers will be inspired to lead lives that are anchored in continual transformation—to keep the change and never look back.


About the Author

Bart Nollenberger is a successful motivational speaker, sales trainer, and executive coach. Throughout his career in the auto industry, Bart spent considerable time learning, studying, and affecting change within his own life and business to maximize his potential and work with integrity and character. He has since used this experience to partner with some of the top companies in the world to help teach sales and leadership to their business leaders and supporting staff. Bart has studied under some of the top motivational coaches in the world, including Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, Paul Martinelli, and John Maxwell to name a few. He is truly an example that it is never too late to soar with success. Bart resides in Phoenix, AZ with his wife Mary. Between the two of them they have ten kids and eleven grandkids.

Keep the Change

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