Incredible stories, woven together to tell the life-changing journey of hope and 10 million shoes, all in this keepsake book!
About the Authors
Manny Ohonme is the co-founder of Samaritan’s Feet and the chief foot washer and visionary. He loves watching lives transform right before his eyes and seeing people walk in their purpose. One of his most impactful memories with the ministry is when he witnessed the President of Burundi wash the feet of the poor and pygmies in his country. Another is when he witnessed one the orphans we served finish college, launch their own ministry, and have their own family. Manny enjoys traveling, spending time with his family, and investing in people.
Tracie Ohonme is the co-founder of Samaritan’s Feet and the guardian of our culture and chief encourager. She loves seeing our team, as well as those we serve with, reach their potential and utilize their platform to make a difference. Developing our Women Ambassador program and seeing computer learning centers being built in Africa and the success of their Barefoot Gala has been so meaningful for her. She loves serving her children, traveling with her husband, and of course, shoe shopping!
The Journey
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